Virtual Seminar Information for the Health Care Provider Seminar on April 24, 2023
This virtual seminar is LIVE and will NOT be available for future viewing.
Zoom Events General Information:​
Zoom Events requires you to create an account before registering. All registrants will receive an email confirmation upon registration with the Zoom Event link. A reminder will be sent during the week of the conference. Please do not share your log-in information with anyone. You must log in with the same email used for registration.
Zoom Events tracks when you log on and off so your continuing education hours can be calculated correctly. Only one person per email address can receive continuing education credits. If you miss more than 10 minutes of any presentation, you will not receive credit for that session.
When entering this Zoom Event, you will start in the Lobby and will need to move to each session at the scheduled time. Zoom Events allows you to listen to and view the speakers and their slide presentations in real time. In the Lobby and during speaker presentation sessions, your video and microphone will automatically be turned off but you will be able to use the chat feature. If you have a question or comment for the speakers, you can type in the Q&A section. The moderator will read questions after the presentation ends (as time allows) for the speaker to answer. Your camera and audio will be enabled only while attending the Networking Lunch. After each of the presentation sessions and the Networking Lunch, you will be automatically directed back into the Lobby.​
Zoom Events Log-In Troubleshooting:
Make sure you have downloaded/created a Zoom account associated with the email you used to register on the device you are using.
Make sure this Zoom account is updated.
Make sure that you are logged out of any other Zoom account that you may have.
Use the link from the ‘ticket’ sent in your registration email to join.
If you continue to have difficulty logging in, please email