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Session Information for the Virtual Healthcare Provider Seminar April 25, 2024

Promotion of Lactation in a Digital World



  1. Understand parents' social media habits: Identify at least three ways parents engage with social media during pregnancy, labor, and early parenting.

  2. Evaluate social media's impact: Explore two positive and two negative effects of social media on pregnant and breast/chestfeeding individuals.

  3. Promote effectively: Learn two actionable ways to advance breast/chestfeeding through modern social media platforms.

Motivational Interviewing – Launching Communication Skills for the Perinatal Professional

Christy Jo Hendricks, IBCLC, RLC, CLC, CCCE


  1. List the 4 components of Motivational Interviewing

  2. Explain the 4 OARS of Motivational Interviewing

  3. Identify the 5 Stages of Change

A Case Study Approach to Critical Thinking Skills for Lactation Professionals

Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC, RLC


  1. Identify key aspects of the critical thinking process within the context of lactation

  2. Describe 3 infant-related factors to assess when feeding difficulties present

  3. Describe 3 parental related factors to assess when feeding difficulties present

  4. Identify the root cause(s) of the feeding issue at hand

  5. Identify personalized care plans strategies for a dyad

  6. Utilize critical thinking skills when supporting dyads through challenging feeding situations

Sensory Integration and Breastfeeding

Nancy Williams, MA, MFT, CCE, IBCLC


  1. Describe sensory integration

  2. Discuss potential effects of disordered integration

  3. List three common problematic descriptions of women on the autism spectrum

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Come for support, share successes, troubleshoot challenges,
or simply enjoy the camaraderie of parenthood.

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